SWAT will be leading a ‘Circular Tour of Stewarton‘ on 29th September as part of the Ayrshire Walkers and Wheelers Festival 2024.
Production of the 2025 SWAT Calendar has been completed. Details of how to purchase a copy will be published shortly.
Works to repair paths are scheduled to be carried out by QTS Group starting Tuesday, 10th September. The affected locations include those shown in the photos below. Please keep an eye out for diversion signs while the works are in progress.
Please visit our Posts page for details of other recent announcements.
2024 marks the twentieth year that Stewarton Woodlands Action Trust (SWAT) has been working towards its official aims of:
- conserving, regenerating and promoting the restoration of predominantly native woodlands in and around Stewarton
- advancing education for the public benefit concerning the local natural environment
Woodland Management
Regular Work Sessions
In September 2024 our planned work sessions are the mornings of Sunday 8th and Sunday 22nd.
Recent work sessions have involved:
- planting trees and maintaining previous tree-planting sites
- clearing up fallen trees and branches
- unblocking drainage channels
- cutting back overhanging branches and vegetation impinging on footpaths
Please get in touch if you would be interested in getting involved in future SWAT activities.
We’re glad to have the help of three recently-joined, local volunteers who are getting involved as part of their work towards achieving Duke of Edinburgh Awards.
The annual SWAT Summer Barbecue for volunteers was held on Saturday, 17th August 2024.
The September page of the SWAT 20th Anniversary (2024) Calendar is sponsored by Past And Present, 3 Lainshaw Street, Stewarton. 01560 484113. Past and Present specialises in antiques, collectibles and luxury brands.
A full list of the 2024 calendar sponsors and their contact details can be found on the Supporters Page and, of course, in the calendar itself.
Community Updates
A 24/7 Public Access Defibrillator is now installed in the vicinity of Lainshaw Woods. Find out more here.
Invasive, Non-Native Plants in Lainshaw Woods
Giant Hogweed is a dangerous invasive species that produces toxic sap. All parts of the plant should be avoided. We have produced an updated Giant Hogweed Identification Poster. Distribution of Giant Hogweed in the UK is widespread. It is often found near rivers and other watercourses. Around Stewarton, it is mainly found on or near the banks of the Clerkland Burn and Annick Water. In addition to the information provided here and on the NNSS website, you can find a useful video summary published on Instagram by Danielle Gallacher.
Japanese Knotweed is highly invasive and can quickly crowd out native plant species. Once established, it is difficult to eradicate. Several stands of Japanese Knotweed are present in Lainshaw Woods including on the slope below The Viewpoint.
Rhododendron Ponticum is the only species of rhododendron that is officially designated as an non-native, invasive weed in Scotland. SWAT controls specimens of Rhododendron Ponticum in Lainshaw Woods by digging them up and then destroying them safely by burning.