New Giant Hogweed Poster

SWAT has produced an updated Giant Hogweed Identification Poster. Click on the image below to open a full-size copy of the poster as a PDF document.

Giant Hogweed Alert

Giant Hogweed is a non-native, invasive plant whose toxic sap can be extremely harmful. It is important to avoid touching all parts of the plant. Giant Hogweed plants are often found near watercourses including the Clerkland Burn, Annick Water and other local burns and streams. Our leaflet provides details of how to identify the plant … Read more

Volunteers’ BBQ

The annual summer barbecue for volunteers is provisionally scheduled for the second half of August 2024. Volunteers are requested to indicate their preferred date in the online poll published in the Stewarton Woodlands Action Trust WhatsApp group.

20th Anniversary

Formally registered as a charitable organisation in 2004, Stewarton Woodlands Action Trust will celebrate its 20th anniversary on Sunday, 21st July. Test your knowledge of the charity by completing ourĀ 20th Anniversary Quiz.

AGM 2024

Our next Annual General Meeting (AGM) has been scheduled for 7.30 p.m. on 7th May 2024 and will be held in the newly-opened Community Hub building in Rigg Street, near Stewarton Cross.

Duke of Edinburgh Awards

SWAT is pleased to welcome three new teenage volunteers who are working towards their Duke of Edinburgh Awards. The volunteers will be involved in carrying out woodland and estate management tasks under supervision.

Sewer Flooding Project Update

Since May 2023, Scottish Water has been carrying out a project to alleviate sewer flooding in and around David Dale Avenue in Stewarton, East Ayrshire. The first phase of the works has included felling and replanting of trees in Lainshaw Woods. Find out more at David Dale Avenue – Scottish Water. Further works in the … Read more

Defibrillator Installed

In addition to its official charitable purposes, SWAT strives to maintain Lainshaw Woods and surrounding areas so that the wider community can benefit by having safe access for recreation and exercise. Recently, as part of the East Ayrshire Council Community Defibrillator Initiative, SWAT obtained a 24/7 Public Access Defibrillator (PAD). The PAD is located on the roadway-facing … Read more

SWAT 2024 Calendar

You can order calendars on SWAT’s Facebook page to be delivered to your door (local delivery within the Stewarton area only).

First Aid Training for SWAT Volunteers

Five SWAT volunteers recently attained the SCQF Level 6 Award for Emergency First Aid at Work. The training covered how to assess an incident and how to provide appropriate first aid in the following situations: